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Still searching for Microsoft 70-662 exam dumps? Dont be silly, 70-662 brain dumps only complicate your goal to pass your Microsoft 70-662 quiz, in fact the Microsoft 70-662 braindump could actually ruin your reputation and credit you as a fraud. Thats correct, the Microsoft 70-662 cost for literally cheating on your Microsoft 70-662 materials is loss of reputation. Which is why you should certainly train with the 70-662 practice exams only available through Exampdf.
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Difficulty finding the right Microsoft 70-662 answers? Dont leave your fate to 70-662 books, you should sooner trust a Microsoft 70-662 dump or some random Microsoft 70-662 download than to depend on a thick TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring book. Naturally the BEST training is from Microsoft 70-662 CBT at Exampdf - far from being a wretched TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring brain dump, the Microsoft 70-662 cost is rivaled by its value - the ROI on the Microsoft 70-662 exam papers is tremendous, with an absolute guarantee to pass TS 70-662 tests on the first attempt.
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Still searching for Microsoft 70-662 exam dumps? Dont be silly, 70-662 brain dumps only complicate your goal to pass your Microsoft 70-662 quiz, in fact the Microsoft 70-662 braindump could actually ruin your reputation and credit you as a fraud. Thats correct, the Microsoft 70-662 cost for literally cheating on your Microsoft 70-662 materials is loss of reputation. Which is why you should certainly train with the 70-662 practice exams only available through Exampdf.
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Microsoft 70-178 latest class room are designed to provide the best possible Microsoft 70-178 from Exampdf test questions and answers for the 70-178 from Exampdf certification. MCTS 70-178 Microsoft exam prep online is easy to use, covers the entire exam course, and along with the latest MCTS 70-178 Microsoft interactive exam engine, your passing is guaranteed. 70-178 Microsoft MCTS from Exampdf test dumps has a passing ratio that is unmatched anywhere; all the customers using the 70-178 from Exampdf online braindump pass their Exampdf Microsoft MCTS 70-178 cert with high scores. 70-178 from Exampdf latest video lectures also helps you to get familiarize with the 70-178 exam. With online Exampdf's Microsoft MCTS 70-178 prep materials you can prepare in detail and master the exam course.
updated MCTS 70-178 Microsoft from Exampdf lab questions is a depiction of the real 70-178 Microsoft exam, it gives you an insight into the exam environment and the latest Microsoft 70-178 test questions you could face in the exam. If you have the plan to start the carrier in IT world then you must start with Microsoft Project 2010, Managing Projects cert and to pass your Microsoft MCTS 70-178 certification is now not a big task. You just concern with our online Exampdf MCTS 70-178 Microsoft test questions and answers and MCTS 70-178 Microsoft from Exampdf course online study material. Your 70-178 cert requires 70-178 from Exampdf updated questions and answers and Microsoft MCTS 70-178 from Pass For Sure online study materials to your best preparation. IT industry needs to have zero tolerance policy toward online 70-178 dumps that has no use for your Microsoft 70-178 exam. Use only 70-178 from Exampdf brain dump online for your 70-178 test. If you are looking forward to find out the best and qualified material for you 70-178 cert then don't search it. Now the material is available in the shape of Exampdf 70-178 latest exam materials.
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There is no doubt that it is difficult for the candidates to pass the CCA 1Y0-A19 exam. A huge amount of money and tome is spent on the material-purchasing and training. Now, you will be relieved from this awkward situation by using the Exampdf “1Y0-A19″ Q&A.”1Y0-A19″ Q&A by Exampdf, newly updated on Feb 10, 2011, contains 120 exam simulation questions and actual answers that reflect the actual exam.
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There is no doubt that it is difficult for the candidates to pass the CCA 1Y0-A19 exam. A huge amount of money and tome is spent on the material-purchasing and training. Now, you will be relieved from this awkward situation by using the Exampdf “1Y0-A19″ Q&A.”1Y0-A19″ Q&A by Exampdf, newly updated on Feb 10, 2011, contains 120 exam simulation questions and actual answers that reflect the actual exam.
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Exampdf has updated the latest HP0-J45 real test, just for all the candidates who want to pass their exam easily and quickly. It is well known that Exampdf is one of the popular website all over the world and the HP0-J45 real test is the latest and hottest exam in Exampdf. Exampdf offer you all the Q&As of the HP0-J45 test. It is the examination of the perfect combination and it will help you pass HP0-J45 exam at the first time !
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There are some other related HP Certification exams, such as the HP0-M44 exam and HP0-S31 exam, they are all good and valuable for you to take. Welcome to Exampdf now and then you will get more benefits in it.
Certification Watch Volume
Certification news regarding certifications and IT pay, Agile project management, Oracle 11g Master exam, extension of the ISACA CRISC grandfathering program, a PgMP update, and new exams from TIBCO, Juniper Networks and HP.
2011 Salary Report Finds IT Pay Down, but Certifications Help
A survey of over 12,000 IT professionals recently conducted by Global Knowledge and Tech Republic found that IT salaries are down overall from last year, but IT professionals who took training during the last year earned on average more than 4% more than their colleagues who didn't hit the books. In particular, the study says, professionals who had earned an IT or project management certification during the past five years earned an average of $2,720 more than their counterparts. The full report, which includes a "Salary by Certification" table, can be downloaded from the Global Knowledge website.
PMI to Offer Agile Certification
The Project Management Institute is working on a new certification related to Agile project management expertise. While PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP) designation focuses on leading and directing product teams, the new PMI Agile certification will credential skills specific to Agile principles and practices used to manage projects. A pilot version of the certification will become available later this year, and candidates can apply to be part of it beginning in May. Read the official announcement in the GoCertify industry news center for info on how to take part.
Oracle 11g Certified Master Exam Now Live
If you're ready to prove you're a mega-expert on Oracle database and have $2,000 handy, the 2-day, hands-on practical exam for Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Master is now open to registration. To learn what you'll need to know – visit Oracle's OCM page.
ISACA Extends CRISC Grandfathering Program
ISACA has extended the deadline for applying to obtain the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) designation without taking the exam until June 30, 2011. To qualify, you'll have to demonstrate at least 8 years of experience related to the design, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of risk-based information systems controls. Individuals with less experience have to pass the CRISC exam. Registration for the first-ever CRISC exam (on June 11) closes this week on April 6.
Major Update to PMI PgMP Exam Coming January 1, 2012
In other Project Management Institute (PMI) news, the organization plans to replace its current PgMP exam with a new exam on January 1, 2012. The new exam will reflect substantial changes to the material covered, including the addition of entirely new subject domains and the reorganization of existing domains. You will not be able to take the current exam once the new exam is released. A FAQ is available on the PMI website, and objectives for the new exam have been posted.
New Exam, Certification from TIBCO
On April 1, TIBCO released a new exam and certification. The certification, TIBCO Certified Professional for Architecting Composite Applications and Services with TIBCO, is for individuals who design and oversee implementation of SOA style architectures using TIBCO products. The exam costs $300, and full objectives are available on TIBCO's website.
New Junos Security Exam from Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks will release the Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional – Security (JNCIP-SEC) exam, on April 15, 2011. The scenario-based exam consists of 75 questions related to Junos OS for SRX Series devices and has a 90-minute time limit. Testing is through Prometric. The hands-on lab exam for the expert level Junos security certification is slated for release in June 2011. Details of other certifications for Junos security are available on the Juniper Networks website.
HP Adds New AIS - StorageWorks Certification
On April 1, HP released a new foundation-level storage certification: HP AIS - StorageWorks Integration [2011]. This will replace the current HP AIS - StorageWorks [2008], which will be retired in August. The new credential requires passing 2 exams. There is no upgrade path.
we will share more...just post your needs on our walls, we will share the exam you want, if u think we are good, please introduce us to your friend, we need your support.
2011 Salary Report Finds IT Pay Down, but Certifications Help
A survey of over 12,000 IT professionals recently conducted by Global Knowledge and Tech Republic found that IT salaries are down overall from last year, but IT professionals who took training during the last year earned on average more than 4% more than their colleagues who didn't hit the books. In particular, the study says, professionals who had earned an IT or project management certification during the past five years earned an average of $2,720 more than their counterparts. The full report, which includes a "Salary by Certification" table, can be downloaded from the Global Knowledge website.
PMI to Offer Agile Certification
The Project Management Institute is working on a new certification related to Agile project management expertise. While PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP) designation focuses on leading and directing product teams, the new PMI Agile certification will credential skills specific to Agile principles and practices used to manage projects. A pilot version of the certification will become available later this year, and candidates can apply to be part of it beginning in May. Read the official announcement in the GoCertify industry news center for info on how to take part.
Oracle 11g Certified Master Exam Now Live
If you're ready to prove you're a mega-expert on Oracle database and have $2,000 handy, the 2-day, hands-on practical exam for Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Master is now open to registration. To learn what you'll need to know – visit Oracle's OCM page.
ISACA Extends CRISC Grandfathering Program
ISACA has extended the deadline for applying to obtain the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) designation without taking the exam until June 30, 2011. To qualify, you'll have to demonstrate at least 8 years of experience related to the design, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of risk-based information systems controls. Individuals with less experience have to pass the CRISC exam. Registration for the first-ever CRISC exam (on June 11) closes this week on April 6.
Major Update to PMI PgMP Exam Coming January 1, 2012
In other Project Management Institute (PMI) news, the organization plans to replace its current PgMP exam with a new exam on January 1, 2012. The new exam will reflect substantial changes to the material covered, including the addition of entirely new subject domains and the reorganization of existing domains. You will not be able to take the current exam once the new exam is released. A FAQ is available on the PMI website, and objectives for the new exam have been posted.
New Exam, Certification from TIBCO
On April 1, TIBCO released a new exam and certification. The certification, TIBCO Certified Professional for Architecting Composite Applications and Services with TIBCO, is for individuals who design and oversee implementation of SOA style architectures using TIBCO products. The exam costs $300, and full objectives are available on TIBCO's website.
New Junos Security Exam from Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks will release the Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional – Security (JNCIP-SEC) exam, on April 15, 2011. The scenario-based exam consists of 75 questions related to Junos OS for SRX Series devices and has a 90-minute time limit. Testing is through Prometric. The hands-on lab exam for the expert level Junos security certification is slated for release in June 2011. Details of other certifications for Junos security are available on the Juniper Networks website.
HP Adds New AIS - StorageWorks Certification
On April 1, HP released a new foundation-level storage certification: HP AIS - StorageWorks Integration [2011]. This will replace the current HP AIS - StorageWorks [2008], which will be retired in August. The new credential requires passing 2 exams. There is no upgrade path.
we will share more...just post your needs on our walls, we will share the exam you want, if u think we are good, please introduce us to your friend, we need your support.
5 hot IT certification picks for 2011
Certifications have always been beneficial to IT job seekers, but lately there's increased emphasis on vendor- and technology-specific training as the economy begins to recover and companies look to plug talent holes in their IT organizations.
"There are great opportunities in technology, but there is increased competition for jobs," says Ray Kelly, CEO of certification provider Certiport. "I have never seen a time like today where there is such a focus on certifications."
When the economy tanked, certifications became more important for IT pros who wanted to make themselves more employable.
"For the past couple of years, the economy has been challenging, but from a technical education standpoint it has been a positive market," says Fred Weiller, director of marketing for Learning@Cisco. "In pure volume, the foundation technologies such as routing and switching -- without which no network exists -- represent a huge amount of our certification portfolio."
These days, Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts see virtualization as the top networking investment area (cited by 67% of 970 CCIEs polled by Illuminas on behalf of Cisco). Another 64% say security and risk management will continue to be the networking skills in greatest demand -- an expectation echoed by Weiller.
Already, "professionals with 'cyber' on their resume can command a 20% salary premium as both the public and private sectors are becoming more aggressive in building their security talent pipeline," notes Thomas Silver, senior vice president at Dice. The high-tech job board listed more than 62,000 tech jobs available as of early April, about half of which are contract or part-time positions.
Determining the best IT certification to pursue depends on an individual's existing skill level, career goals and accessibility to training. Here we detail five of the hottest IT certifications for 2011.
1. VMware Certified Professional
The VMware Certified Professional (VCP) program, now available on vSphere 4 (VCP4), seems like a no-brainer. With virtualization technology growing within the majority of organizations, it is critical that the talent pool keep up with the technology. Yet recentresearch shows that enterprises are worried about a lack of expertise specific to virtualization. New skills need to be acquired for virtual systems, and new management and automation technologies must be introduced into the environment to truly reap the rewards of virtualization. According to Forrester Consulting, which interviewed 257 IT professionals on behalf of CA, "the proper skills for the future are difficult to attain and retain."
2. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
Microsoft continues to dominate most desktops in U.S. business. Its Windows operating system boasts more than 91% market share, according to March figures from Net Market Share, and Microsoft has seen accelerated interest in the latest revision, Windows 7.
"Microsoft continues to leave its computing fingerprints on most desktops," says Forrester Research analyst Sheri McLeish.
IT professionals who become a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) can prove their abilities around implementing, building, troubleshooting and debugging specific Microsoft technologies, such as a Windows operating system, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio. (Check out this 9 year-old, who's working on his fifth Microsoft certification.)
"In terms of training and certification, we have seen the fastest ramp up on Windows 7 than any technology in the past five years," says Chris Pirie, general manager of sales and marketing for Microsoft Learning. "We are anticipating a big wave of desktop refreshes and we will be having a new wave of Office software this summer. Certification is very hot for us right now."
3. Cisco Certified Architect
IT professionals with a few certifications under their belts could consider upgrading to what has been dubbed the Ph.D. in Cisco.
The network giant last year added to its educational roster with a new level of certification, theCisco Certified Architect (CCAr). While Cisco boasts more than 20,000 CCIEs worldwide, the vendor decided to build another layer of expertise on top of its proven certification program. The CCAr requires applicants to already be certified as Cisco Certified Design Experts(CCDE) and have 10 years of experience. The training for CCAr would equip IT professionals with the C-level know-how and skills to prevent wasteful investments on technology and better align network projects with business goals, according to Cisco.
"One of the key things we are testing or investigating is the ability for a candidate to understand the business side and translate that into technology demands," Cisco's Weiller says. "The CCAr builds upon the CCDE program, which in itself is very much in demand. Networks have become very sophisticated and to be able to design and build a network that can adapt to changing needs and stand the test of time is critically important in making an individual successful in a networking career."
4. CompTIA Strata Green IT
While vendor-specific knowledge and foundational certifications seem a prerequisite for most jobs, IT professionals in 2010 should also consider amping up their vendor-neutral skills around technologies that continue to gain attention from high-tech as well as business leaders.
"From CompTIA's perspective, entry-level certifications such as the A+ and Network+ are going through the roof, and we are seeing double-digit growth in Security+ certifications," says Terry Erdle, senior vice president of skills certification at CompTIA (Computer Technology Industry Association).
Building on the basics, CompTIA just announced a new training track, green IT. CompTIA'sStrata Green IT certificate is recommended for IT professionals with 18 months of technical experience and IT credentials such as CompTIA A+ or Server+, and the program is designed to show that a candidate is schooled in power management as well as virtualization techniques. The certification also includes training on developing and calculating ROI for green IT initiatives and knowledge of environmentally sound waste disposal techniques.
"We just launched the Strata Green IT certification to help build the funnel from the lower end to the higher end for people with advanced skills. The best thing we as a nonprofit in the IT industry can do is help fix the unemployment problem in the country, and we do that by adding such advanced skills training to address emerging employment needs," Erdle says.
5. ITIL v3 Foundations
For many, the goal this year is to streamline IT operations, adding automation where possible, while at the same time increasing services to users. The premise of overhauling the way IT works is outlined in the IT Infrastructure Library, or ITIL (Version 3 is currently being adopted).
With four levels of ITIL certification, IT professionals can prove they understand the principals around service life-cycle management and apply them to real-world environments. Companies seeking such expertise would likely desire a candidate who couples ITIL skills with security or other technical expertise. Considered more of a process-oriented area, ITIL can still deliver benefits such as improved availability, faster problem resolution and reduced costs due to streamlined processes.
"Whether you want to call them soft skills or business skills, IT professionals need communications skills, they need to be able to manage a project, and they need ITIL skills to show they understand the service lifecycle," Cisco's Weiller says. "Individuals need all these skills, not just technical skills."
we will share more...just post your needs on our walls, we will share the exam you want, if u think we are good, please introduce us to your friend, we need your support.
"There are great opportunities in technology, but there is increased competition for jobs," says Ray Kelly, CEO of certification provider Certiport. "I have never seen a time like today where there is such a focus on certifications."
When the economy tanked, certifications became more important for IT pros who wanted to make themselves more employable.
"For the past couple of years, the economy has been challenging, but from a technical education standpoint it has been a positive market," says Fred Weiller, director of marketing for Learning@Cisco. "In pure volume, the foundation technologies such as routing and switching -- without which no network exists -- represent a huge amount of our certification portfolio."
These days, Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts see virtualization as the top networking investment area (cited by 67% of 970 CCIEs polled by Illuminas on behalf of Cisco). Another 64% say security and risk management will continue to be the networking skills in greatest demand -- an expectation echoed by Weiller.
Already, "professionals with 'cyber' on their resume can command a 20% salary premium as both the public and private sectors are becoming more aggressive in building their security talent pipeline," notes Thomas Silver, senior vice president at Dice. The high-tech job board listed more than 62,000 tech jobs available as of early April, about half of which are contract or part-time positions.
Determining the best IT certification to pursue depends on an individual's existing skill level, career goals and accessibility to training. Here we detail five of the hottest IT certifications for 2011.
1. VMware Certified Professional
The VMware Certified Professional (VCP) program, now available on vSphere 4 (VCP4), seems like a no-brainer. With virtualization technology growing within the majority of organizations, it is critical that the talent pool keep up with the technology. Yet recentresearch shows that enterprises are worried about a lack of expertise specific to virtualization. New skills need to be acquired for virtual systems, and new management and automation technologies must be introduced into the environment to truly reap the rewards of virtualization. According to Forrester Consulting, which interviewed 257 IT professionals on behalf of CA, "the proper skills for the future are difficult to attain and retain."
2. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
Microsoft continues to dominate most desktops in U.S. business. Its Windows operating system boasts more than 91% market share, according to March figures from Net Market Share, and Microsoft has seen accelerated interest in the latest revision, Windows 7.
"Microsoft continues to leave its computing fingerprints on most desktops," says Forrester Research analyst Sheri McLeish.
IT professionals who become a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) can prove their abilities around implementing, building, troubleshooting and debugging specific Microsoft technologies, such as a Windows operating system, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio. (Check out this 9 year-old, who's working on his fifth Microsoft certification.)
"In terms of training and certification, we have seen the fastest ramp up on Windows 7 than any technology in the past five years," says Chris Pirie, general manager of sales and marketing for Microsoft Learning. "We are anticipating a big wave of desktop refreshes and we will be having a new wave of Office software this summer. Certification is very hot for us right now."
3. Cisco Certified Architect
IT professionals with a few certifications under their belts could consider upgrading to what has been dubbed the Ph.D. in Cisco.
The network giant last year added to its educational roster with a new level of certification, theCisco Certified Architect (CCAr). While Cisco boasts more than 20,000 CCIEs worldwide, the vendor decided to build another layer of expertise on top of its proven certification program. The CCAr requires applicants to already be certified as Cisco Certified Design Experts(CCDE) and have 10 years of experience. The training for CCAr would equip IT professionals with the C-level know-how and skills to prevent wasteful investments on technology and better align network projects with business goals, according to Cisco.
"One of the key things we are testing or investigating is the ability for a candidate to understand the business side and translate that into technology demands," Cisco's Weiller says. "The CCAr builds upon the CCDE program, which in itself is very much in demand. Networks have become very sophisticated and to be able to design and build a network that can adapt to changing needs and stand the test of time is critically important in making an individual successful in a networking career."
4. CompTIA Strata Green IT
While vendor-specific knowledge and foundational certifications seem a prerequisite for most jobs, IT professionals in 2010 should also consider amping up their vendor-neutral skills around technologies that continue to gain attention from high-tech as well as business leaders.
"From CompTIA's perspective, entry-level certifications such as the A+ and Network+ are going through the roof, and we are seeing double-digit growth in Security+ certifications," says Terry Erdle, senior vice president of skills certification at CompTIA (Computer Technology Industry Association).
Building on the basics, CompTIA just announced a new training track, green IT. CompTIA'sStrata Green IT certificate is recommended for IT professionals with 18 months of technical experience and IT credentials such as CompTIA A+ or Server+, and the program is designed to show that a candidate is schooled in power management as well as virtualization techniques. The certification also includes training on developing and calculating ROI for green IT initiatives and knowledge of environmentally sound waste disposal techniques.
"We just launched the Strata Green IT certification to help build the funnel from the lower end to the higher end for people with advanced skills. The best thing we as a nonprofit in the IT industry can do is help fix the unemployment problem in the country, and we do that by adding such advanced skills training to address emerging employment needs," Erdle says.
5. ITIL v3 Foundations
For many, the goal this year is to streamline IT operations, adding automation where possible, while at the same time increasing services to users. The premise of overhauling the way IT works is outlined in the IT Infrastructure Library, or ITIL (Version 3 is currently being adopted).
With four levels of ITIL certification, IT professionals can prove they understand the principals around service life-cycle management and apply them to real-world environments. Companies seeking such expertise would likely desire a candidate who couples ITIL skills with security or other technical expertise. Considered more of a process-oriented area, ITIL can still deliver benefits such as improved availability, faster problem resolution and reduced costs due to streamlined processes.
"Whether you want to call them soft skills or business skills, IT professionals need communications skills, they need to be able to manage a project, and they need ITIL skills to show they understand the service lifecycle," Cisco's Weiller says. "Individuals need all these skills, not just technical skills."
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