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Certification Watch Volume

Certification news regarding certifications and IT pay, Agile project management, Oracle 11g Master exam, extension of the ISACA CRISC grandfathering program, a PgMP update, and new exams from TIBCO, Juniper Networks and HP.

2011 Salary Report Finds IT Pay Down, but Certifications Help
A survey of over 12,000 IT professionals recently conducted by Global Knowledge and Tech Republic found that IT salaries are down overall from last year, but IT professionals who took training during the last year earned on average more than 4% more than their colleagues who didn't hit the books. In particular, the study says, professionals who had earned an IT or project management certification during the past five years earned an average of $2,720 more than their counterparts. The full report, which includes a "Salary by Certification" table, can be downloaded from the Global Knowledge website.

PMI to Offer Agile Certification
The Project Management Institute is working on a new certification related to Agile project management expertise. While PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP) designation focuses on leading and directing product teams, the new PMI Agile certification will credential skills specific to Agile principles and practices used to manage projects. A pilot version of the certification will become available later this year, and candidates can apply to be part of it beginning in May. Read the official announcement in the GoCertify industry news center for info on how to take part.

Oracle 11g Certified Master Exam Now Live
If you're ready to prove you're a mega-expert on Oracle database and have $2,000 handy, the 2-day, hands-on practical exam for Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Master is now open to registration. To learn what you'll need to know – visit Oracle's OCM page.

ISACA Extends CRISC Grandfathering Program
ISACA has extended the deadline for applying to obtain the Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) designation without taking the exam until June 30, 2011. To qualify, you'll have to demonstrate at least 8 years of experience related to the design, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of risk-based information systems controls. Individuals with less experience have to pass the CRISC exam. Registration for the first-ever CRISC exam (on June 11) closes this week on April 6.

Major Update to PMI PgMP Exam Coming January 1, 2012
In other Project Management Institute (PMI) news, the organization plans to replace its current PgMP exam with a new exam on January 1, 2012. The new exam will reflect substantial changes to the material covered, including the addition of entirely new subject domains and the reorganization of existing domains. You will not be able to take the current exam once the new exam is released. A FAQ is available on the PMI website, and objectives for the new exam have been posted.

New Exam, Certification from TIBCO
On April 1, TIBCO released a new exam and certification. The certification, TIBCO Certified Professional for Architecting Composite Applications and Services with TIBCO, is for individuals who design and oversee implementation of SOA style architectures using TIBCO products. The exam costs $300, and full objectives are available on TIBCO's website.

New Junos Security Exam from Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks will release the Juniper Networks Certified Internet Professional – Security (JNCIP-SEC) exam, on April 15, 2011. The scenario-based exam consists of 75 questions related to Junos OS for SRX Series devices and has a 90-minute time limit. Testing is through Prometric. The hands-on lab exam for the expert level Junos security certification is slated for release in June 2011. Details of other certifications for Junos security are available on the Juniper Networks website.

HP Adds New AIS - StorageWorks Certification
On April 1, HP released a new foundation-level storage certification: HP AIS - StorageWorks Integration [2011]. This will replace the current HP AIS - StorageWorks [2008], which will be retired in August. The new credential requires passing 2 exams. There is no upgrade path.

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